The children of Milton Abbot put together not one but two films this Christmas, so that more children could perform in acting roles - and what a great job they did - we premiere the film tomorrow in class and then families will be sent a link to view the film at home. Happy Christmas to all the families and friends of Milton Abbot School...
On the 16th December the children enjoyed their annual Christmas Jumper day at school, which is used to raise awareness and money for a charity. This year the children suggested Food Bank so that they could do something as part of the local community. Our families donated very generously and filled more than three large boxes full of donations - thank you!
Our Snowy Owls Reception Class have been learning to dance like dinosaurs with their class teacher Miss Stansbury! They learnt to move in time to the music and to use their whole body and all the space available. We think you're dino-tastic Snowys!
To mark the beginning of Advent, and as part of their Religious Education learning about Christianity, the Barn Owls (KS1) enjoyed a Zoom visit from Reverend Stephen Partridge. Stephen showed the children his advent calendars and his three different types of Nativity scene (knitted, matchbox-sized and gingerbread), whilst explaining to the children why Christmas is so important to Christians. Then children asked some great questions, which included: 'When was God born?' and 'Why do you pray?' The class then enjoyed retelling the story of Jesus' birth in our woods - cold but fun! We have finished third out of all the small schools in the Tavistock area for the latest round of 'virtual' cross-country events for both our lower Key Stage 2 and upper Key Stage 2 team, which is quite some achievement and makes us very proud. This also highlights the focus we put on exercise and competition! We also have some individual winners...but we won't reveal this until the medals arrive from OCRA!
Welcome to our News page. We may be a small school but we are always busy enjoying exciting learning experiences, which we will share with you here.
May 2023
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