Feedback from Parents/Carers
Milton Abbot School highly values its ‘Learning Alliance’ with parents, guardians and carers, meaning we constantly strive for the highest standards of communication to match its expectations towards high quality teaching, learning and curriculum experience for the children. However, we readily recognise that nobody’s perfect and from time to time things may go wrong. If so, no-one would be more determined than the teaching team to listen and put things right, so we ask that any upset or uncertainty is addressed with the class teacher in the first instance. If an understanding cannot be reached, then the Headteacher, Mr Luxford, is happy to listen and mediate if possible. In the unlikely event that all of the above does not resolve the issue, please see our Complaints Procedure document which will take you through the procedure.
Positive Feedback Welcome
We are proud of the many positive comments we receive from the children and their families – it can be a tough job teaching so anything that makes us blush or smile is always welcome! If you have something positive to say, then please let us know!