Remote Learning at Milton Abbot School

‘Every child achieving – whether in school or remotely’
We are committed to delivering ‘high quality remote learning’ during periods of local or National restricted school attendance. As such we are committed to delivering a consistent system that mirrors the planning sequences and strong rapport found in every classroom at Milton Abbot School. This means regular access between home and school and endeavours to offer teaching and learning that matches your child’s academic needs whilst challenging them to make progress. We know that clear explanations and scaffolding are crucial elements of a good quality remote education. Our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum is described in our 'Remote learning Provision Overview' , as we know the enormous benefits this offers our pupils. However, as parents will expect, our constant and over-riding passion and priority will remain firmly fixed on reading: Reading for knowledge, reading for pleasure. Remote Learning is one of the newest areas in education and presents a number of challenges, but at the heart of all we will do will be communication and care for the wellbeing of every child and their family, as well as a determined focus on continued academic progress. To achieve high quality will also require commitment to reviewing and improving our provision, and as such we welcome your parental feedback.
We are committed to delivering ‘high quality remote learning’ during periods of local or National restricted school attendance. As such we are committed to delivering a consistent system that mirrors the planning sequences and strong rapport found in every classroom at Milton Abbot School. This means regular access between home and school and endeavours to offer teaching and learning that matches your child’s academic needs whilst challenging them to make progress. We know that clear explanations and scaffolding are crucial elements of a good quality remote education. Our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum is described in our 'Remote learning Provision Overview' , as we know the enormous benefits this offers our pupils. However, as parents will expect, our constant and over-riding passion and priority will remain firmly fixed on reading: Reading for knowledge, reading for pleasure. Remote Learning is one of the newest areas in education and presents a number of challenges, but at the heart of all we will do will be communication and care for the wellbeing of every child and their family, as well as a determined focus on continued academic progress. To achieve high quality will also require commitment to reviewing and improving our provision, and as such we welcome your parental feedback.
Emotional support and wellbeing

We know that restricted school attendance will present numerous challenges and will require new routines and high levels of resilience at times. We will be providing daily opportunities for you and your child to interact with school and access support. However, please contact the school if you need support - even if you just need someone talk to or listen to you. Call us.
In our Remote Learning Launch assembly, Mr Luxford described how the children can H.E.L.P at home, meaning:
H is for being helpful at home
E is for exercising daily, even in short bursts
L is for learning, get a little bit better each day
P is for remaining positive!
We hope the advice sheets below are helpful:
In our Remote Learning Launch assembly, Mr Luxford described how the children can H.E.L.P at home, meaning:
H is for being helpful at home
E is for exercising daily, even in short bursts
L is for learning, get a little bit better each day
P is for remaining positive!
We hope the advice sheets below are helpful:
Online safety
- Government advice document - February: online safety
- Online safety for 4-5 year olds
- Stay safe home classroom
- Zoom: Safety for parents
- 25 ways to encourage - from 'Picklebums' website
- Boosting self esteem and growth mindset
- Coronavirus: talking to your child about the disease
- Trauma Informed Schools: advice for parents (book format)